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Freelife's Himalayan Goji Juice From Freelife International

Discover Himalayan Goji Juice from the Goji berry (lycium barbarum) Amazing Anti-Aging Health Drink.

Why Our Juice. - Click Here to Purchase Himalayan Goji Juice Now!

Well for starters this is the Juice that Freelife brought to the market after almost 10 years of study and research.

FreeLife™ is the first company to perfect a difficult and demanding proprietary extraction process and create the only standardized form of this incredible plant available in the world today: HIMALAYAN GOJI™ JUICE.

Goji Berries world's most powerful anti-aging food

Did you know that in some remote places in this world, a life expectancy of more than 100 years is not uncommon?

Research has shown that many of the world's longest living people consume regular daily helpings of a tiny red fruit that may just be the world's most powerful anti-aging nutrition health food—the goji berry.

If you have not yet heard of goji, you are not alone. While it has occupied an important place in traditional Asian medicine for countless generations, the secrets of its nutritional benefits have remained a mystery to most of the world.

the sacred goji waters

During the Tang Dynasty (around 800 AD), a well had been dug beside a wall near a famous Buddhist temple that was covered with goji vines. Over the years, countless berries had fallen into the well. Those who prayed there had the ruddy complexion of good health, and even at the age of eighty they had no white hair and had lost no teeth, simply because they drank the water from the well. From this legend, a poem was crafted.

Himalayan Goji Berry Natural Healers

It is said that the Himalayans were the first natural healers, and that they shared their wisdom with the ancient herbalists of China, Tibet, and India. One of their most prized secrets was the fruit of the native goji berry vine, which had been flourishing in the Himalayan valleys since the beginning of time. Those who came there to learn took the goji home with them and planted it in their own valleys, thus spreading the legend of this most marvelous and healthful fruit.

Since its discovery in the Himalayas, those who know of the remarkable goji berry are awed by its unmatched health promoting powers.

Goji Berry Fruit the Himalayan health secret

Why the Real Authentic Himalayan Goji Juice is Superior

In search of the true Goji Berry

Just as there are many varieties of grapes for wine making, there are many varieties of goji -as many as 41 species growing in Tibet alone!

Freelife knew that they must exhaustively analyze the dozens of varieties to find the one true goji -the one that had been discovered by the early Himalayan natural healers, and which, from ancient times, had been praised in legend.

In the same way that human fingerprints can be used to distinguish one person from all others on the planet, a spectrometer can detect even subtle differences between berries at the molecular level. This technique results in the generation of a graph, a unique fingerprint for whatever is being tested—a Spectral Signature.

Thanks to years of dedicated scientific research, FreeLife™ is the only company in the world to have developed a Spectral Signature to identify, isolate, and harvest only those special goji berries with the exact nutrient profile of the legendary goji from the Himalayas.

Himalayan Goji Juice Polysaccharides master molecules

FreeLife has been a pioneer in the research of goji polysaccharides. Goji's four unique polysaccharides, or phytonutrient compounds, work in the body as directors and carriers of the instructions that cells use to communicate with each other. These polysaccharides are "Master Molecules" and command and control many of the body's most important defense systems.

Goji juice of Himalayan quality exhibits a balanced polysaccharide profile and a uniquely potent Spectral Signature. It is the true descendant of the original goji of legend.

Himalayan Goji Juice 100% goodness in every bottle

  • Himalayan Goji proprietary, 100% juice product, patterned after the ancient recipes and practices of the Himalayans.
  • 100% all-natural juice flavoring system gives a consistently delicious flavor, and works synergistically with the product to enhance its already remarkable benefits. Never any added sugar, artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavors.
  • Proprietary technology for extracting the juice without destroying goji's delicate, but extremely powerful nutrients.
  • Exclusive recipe and proprietary chill-blending technology.
  • Each one-liter bottle contains the equivalent of more than 2 pounds of fresh goji berries!
  • Carefully standardized to deliver a consistently high level of perfectly balanced and fully active polysaccharides, the Master Molecules that your body needs to replenish on a daily basis for optimal health and longevity. (These Master Molecules are unique to goji -they are not found in any other plant on earth.)
  • Made only with berries that exhibit the ideal Himalayan Spectral Signature—your assurance of potency, purity, and authenticity in every bottle.
  • Strict Seven-Step Quality Manufacturing Process ensures that you and your family experience the same nutritional value with every sip.

    goji juice pricing

    1 Bottle (1 Liter - 33.8 Oz) Goji Juice - $34.95
    Save! -4 Pack Goji Juice - $129.95
    1 Bottle New GoChi (1 Liter - 33.8 Oz) Goji Juice - $36.50
    Save! -4 Pack New GoChi Goji Juice - $134.95
    Buy Goji Juice Berries Himalayan Goji Berry Juice Anti-Aging Health Nutrition
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You can't drink too much Himalayan Goji Juice!